April 2024 - Mercury, your power planet, goes retrograde while in wild Aries on April 1, so get ready for potential communication hiccups, tech troubles, and feelings of regret about the past. And if you want to make a good impression, it’s now an absolute must to double-check texts and DMs to potential romantic matches, as well as be patient about response times.

On the nineteenth, the powerful sun moves into like-minded Taurus, and you can really benefit from this abundance of grounding yet sensual energy. You’re looking for stability in a potential partner now, but you’re also ready to indulge in earthy pleasures like gardening, cooking, and spending time in nature. A financially stable Libra is very intriguing now.

Juno, the asteroid of commitment, goes direct while in your first house of self on April 21, encouraging you to get introspective. Spending time doing a deep dive on your values and desires regarding potential relationships ensures that you’ll be ready to get serious when the real thing comes along. Are you attracting the right types of people, Virgo? And if not, how can you?

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More Horoscopes for Virgo

Virgo Compatibility and Traits

Virgo Sign Compatibility

Virgo Star Dates and Traits


One of the most efficient members of the zodiac, Virgos are organized, driven, and meticulous in their work.

They are very detail-oriented, making them master editors with extremely high standards. However, they need to be mindful that they are not overly demanding or critical of themselves or those around them.Learn More

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