Sagittarius Couples Horoscope

Love takes you to new heights this year.

You’re a free spirit, but when you’re in a relationship you’re one of the most loyal signs there is. You’re all about truth, both seeking it out and revealing it. Venus, the goddess of love, enters romantic, creative Pisces in the middle of January, putting you under this magical combination’s love spell. On the surface everything looks dreamy and romantic—if you don’t dig too deep. Once you dive beneath the surface you might find some lingering problems, but you’re never one to shy away from getting to the heart of the matter, Sag

Venus enters powerful Aries at the start of February, at which point your sex life sizzles. Love and desire go together well, and the more in love you are, the harder it is to keep your hands off each other! A square to your home planet Jupiter late in the month makes fun your top priority but this won’t be a good time for accomplishing very much together. You’ll want to set aside your responsibilities and just have a good time—which is fine if you don’t have too many people depending on you. If you have children, pets, etc. that need your attention, you’ll have to come out of your fun bubble to tend to their needs.

Venus finally takes a trip through your fiery sign in the middle of December, Sag, when you’ll be searching for adventurous romantic encounters of the mind-expanding kind. Learning something new with your partner is the ideal form of foreplay, and you look for the higher meaning in all your intimate meetups.